Christmas “Ribbon” Tutorial

I just wrote an article recently for Crafting a Green World about projects using felt scraps. I was inspired to dig out my felt scraps and make some of the projects and, in doing so, came up with one of my own. I’m going to try and make this Christmas as eco-friendly and handmade as possible: right down to the wrapping of the presents. Here is a project that utilizes some felt scraps to make a sort of “ribbon” to adorn your gifts.

tutorial diy projectYou’ll need: felt scraps, sewing machine, and pieces of junk mail. The thinner the paper the better. Grocery store flyers, mini store booklets, and  single paper advertisements work well.

sewing the feltI’m using the exact same technique here as I showed you in my sewn paper doily garland tutorial. This time, though, I found that using junk mail was just as effective as the wax paper. It tears away just as easily as long as you use thinner paper and you’re recycling at the same time! Woohoo! I cut my felt scraps into various shapes no larger than an inch or two. I wanted it to look a little like confetti.

felt scrap ribbonYou want a nice long strand of “ribbon.” Keep sewing and using up those scraps!

felt strandYou should have a nice long, continuous strand of felt “ribbon” to use.

tear the paper awayGently tear away the paper. If there are any bits of paper left over in the thread, they can easily be removed with tweezers if they’re too small to grab with your fingers.

wrap the presentGet to wrapping! I had a white box on hand, but this would also look great wrapped around a gift covered in brown kraft paper. You can just wrap it around and tape or wrap to the top and tie in a knot.

In what ways are you going to try to make this Christmas eco-friendly and green? Do you have any alternative packaging and wrapping ideas?

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17 Responses to Christmas “Ribbon” Tutorial

  1. That is a super sweet way to wrap a gift, may have to try that one!

    Jamie 🙂

  2. Pingback: Tutorial: Colorful giftwrap trim from your fabric scraps · Sewing |

  3. JessieMomma says:

    We are doing a mainly “homegrown” Christmas this year. We are using old towels for aprons, old jeans for bags and doll clothes, left over fabrics for pillows and pj’s. Some upcycled thrift $1 buys and crochet goodies are also in the works. My 8yo is testing out her artistic skills painting old canvases for gifts, and my 5yo is using paint to jazz up old ornaments. Their older sister will be making earrings out of old beads and buttons. We use old scrapbooking supplies and markers to make wrapping paper out of butcher paper as well. Lots of busy fun to be had everywhere! I can’t wait to try your ribbon!

  4. Meda says:

    I was planning on making the same thing with felt snowflakes and I am so glad I stumbled across your blog. I have some thin gray felt in which our furniture was wrapped. Thank you for the paper tip. I don’t have a sewing machine and know nothing about sewing (I will borrow one from a friend).
    I also made globes from wool thread I got from an old sweater. I am doing a lot of recycling and reusing this autumn/winter.
    here is one of my projects:

  5. Speckless says:

    Genius. Way to stick it to the junk mail.

  6. jessica says:

    okay I LOVE this – I have tons of felt scraps and I just despise buying wrapping paper and ribbon because it is just going to be thrown away – but I still want my presents to look lovely and inviting. You have provided the perfect solution! I may be linking to you soon – thanks!

  7. Pingback: Link Love: Christmas Favorites | FaveCraftsBlog

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